Join SBS’s Vigil for Peace
It has become more or less the norm of lives to be in a state of constant fear and apprehension; in recent past, the sociopolitical and security situation of our nation has deteriorated immensely. While we go on in our lives trying to sustain normalcy, it is no doubt that these events scar us, as we become victims of fate rather than its author.
Perhaps we find ourselves helpless to help those who have been wronged, or save those whom we have lost. However, sometimes standing up for an ethos is more than enough to promote change. With that in mind, let’s become authors of our country’s fate, and let’s hold up the thinking we want to prevail.
In spite of chaos, let’s strive for peace.
Join Senior Biology Society at the Vigil for Peace on 2 March 2015 at 3:30 pm in S-Octa, and instill in ourselves concern and care for each other.