Rhetoric Rumble: A Resounding Success for Formanites Debating Society Oct10


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Rhetoric Rumble: A Resounding Success for Formanites Debating Society

Formanites Debating Society proudly hosted its annual “Rhetoric Rumble” event under the Forman experience, a vibrant celebration of intellectual discourse and camaraderie. This year’s theme, “Igniting Minds, Uniting Hearts,” set the tone for a day filled with engaging discussions, laughter, and musical performances.
Held on 28th August 2024, the event kicked off with an electrifying segment called “Truths & Dares,” where freshmen showcased their wit and courage. Students shared hilarious anecdotes and daring challenges, creating an atmosphere of laughter and bonding. The audience was captivated by the freshmen’s enthusiasm and eagerness to participate in this icebreaker activity.
Next, the “Open Debate” session ignited the stage with thought-provoking discussions on various topics. Freshmen and seasoned debaters alike engaged in friendly yet spirited exchanges, showcasing their oratory skills and critical thinking abilities. The audience enthusiastically supported the speakers, creating an electrifying atmosphere. The event also saw a surge in new registrations for the society’s upcoming tenure, a testament to its growing popularity among the student body.
As the day drew to a close, the Formanites Debating Society treated the audience to a musical performance. The soulful melodies and harmonious voices created a perfect ending to an unforgettable day.