YEP organizes Interactive Session with Mr Omar Mansoor May04


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YEP organizes Interactive Session with Mr Omar Mansoor

Young Entrepreneurial Platform (YEP) organized an interactive session with the internationally acclaimed Pakistani Entrepreneur, Mr Omar Mansoor. He shared his personal experiences and gave valuable advice to the students in respect to entrepreneurial success.

The event was a huge success as the occurrence of students remained high. All of the students showed up with the intention to learn and be inspired. Mr Mansoor accounted the journey of his life from being an ordinary Pakistani person to a well acclaimed personality. He also told the students that without sheer hard work and bitter life experiences, one cannot expect to reach success and that struggle is merely a part of the experience.

Students raised their issues and interacted with the designer himself to gain better insights on entrepreneurial success. The audience came out inspired from the young entrepreneur and having truly learned a great deal.