Shayan Shaukat wins Best Delegate Award at GIMUN ’14
The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Model United Nations Conference 2014 (GIMUN ’14), held from 17 to 20 October, was not just a series of constructive debate sessions but also an effort to inculcate a spirit of diplomacy in the participants. It was attended by delegates from all across Pakistan.
Shayan Shaukat represented FCC and took part as the delegate representing the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the UNDP committee. The topic under discussion was the question of Strengthening democratic institutions in post conflict zones.
After four relentless and intense committee sessions, the debate came to a closure with a unanimous Resolution being passed in favor of the creation of a Peace Building Commission (PBC) and help was sought from the UN-DESA to aid in the unification of all relevant actors to propose integrated solution for post-conflict peace building and recovery.
Shayan Shaukat was awarded the Best Delegate Shield for his expression and diplomatic skills within the committee.