Participate in Soliya Connect Program Feb09


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Participate in Soliya Connect Program

The Connect Program is an online cross-cultural education program integrated into curriculum that provides students with a unique opportunity to establish a deeper understanding for the perspectives of others around the world on important socio-political issues and why they feel the way the do” –

27 students from Forman Christian College participated in Soliya Connect Program last semester. The group met up every Tuesday in the Center of Dialogue and Action to discuss the assigned readings for the program beforehand and to give their valuable feedback about their weekly sessions. The readings were focused on understanding the causes of conflicts between Islamic and Western World and emphasized the importance of empathy and diversity.

Forman Christian College students represented the perspective of Pakistani community and were able to constructively participate in clearing misconceptions and stereotypes about this part of the World. Their facilitators were full of praises for them and recommended some of them to for the Soliya Facilitator training program so that they can mediate the sessions of Soliya for Fall 2015.

Here is YOUR chance to take part in this semester’s Soliya Connect Program. The last date to apply is 12 February 2015. Interviews will be conducted on 13 February 2015.

Refer to the brochure below for more details.