Mr Tauseef Iftikhar talks about ‘The Pattern’ Oct19


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Mr Tauseef Iftikhar talks about ‘The Pattern’

The Undergraduate Mathematics Society (UMS) successfully held an Inspirational talk on ‘The Pattern’ on Friday 3 October 2014.

Mr Tauseef Iftikhar, a biotechnologist and research student in the Biological Sciences Department, delivered the talk. The theme of the talk was the thinking pattern of the people who have made to the top and featured the achievements of world class scientists, software developers, entertainers and singers.

Mr Tauseef was of the view that we are all mathematicians and use math and calculations in all the aspects of our life, even in our relationships, when we analyze the mind sets of people, we are actually calculating the personalities. When looking for important questions from the book, we are actually using statistics from the past occurrence of questions we have attempted in exams in the past.

People who have been high achievers in their respective fields, Einstein, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Honey Singh and Psy (Gangnam style) for instance, were all able to give something unique to the world because they ‘thought’ as a mathematicians, while calculating the needs, analyzing the problems and hence by understanding the pattern of the situations, they were able to give what we all enjoy today.

The talk was highly appreciated by faculty and staff members and students. According to Dr Nazish from the Mathematics Department said the talk was interesting from the title to the content. Dr Ahmed Qureshi commented that ‘The Pattern’ was a brave effort and was able to keep the audience of 200 people interested throughout the talk.

The talk concluded with a comment made by an MPhil scholar from Punjab University who said that our education system is not supportive and hence we can’t produce high achievers here. Mr Tauseef answered that things are never easy and nor will they be, either be it Pakistan or any international institution. Rejection and humiliation have always been a part of the high achievers’ lives, the only thing that counts is the consistency of efforts and never giving up even if it means standing alone.