Make your feet your friend by EWC Mar21


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Make your feet your friend by EWC

The Earth Watch Club organized a trip to majestic ruins of Rohtas Fort for students. It was a one-day trip organized on 16 March 2013 in which 46 students from different disciplines participated.

Rohtas Fort has special attraction for anyone having a taste for castles. Situated some sixteen kilometers north-west ofJhelum, the imposing Rohtas Fort is one of the finest castles in the subcontinent. Much of the fort is in ruins, except several large, imposing gates and numerous posterns etc.

Students visited several parts of the fort. The most striking feature of the fort is its majestic and solid wall. Students also explored Baoli, Rani Mahal and some gates of the fort. The students were accompanied by Ms Umarah Mubeen, Advisor, Earth Watch Club and Dr Khalid Zamir Rasib from the Biological Sciences department.