JBS holds a Military-Themed Quiz: Biological Warfare v1.0 Feb22


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JBS holds a Military-Themed Quiz: Biological Warfare v1.0

Forman Junior Biological Society (JBS) staged an out-of-the-box event named Biological Warfare V1.0, with a military theme and war ambience.

The two day event comprised of Alpha and Bravo Rounds, on the 30 and 31 January 2017 respectively, in which over 10 squadrons, or teams participated. Each team consisted of 3 comrades. The event was fascinated by lively performance of Forman Music Society (FMS), and Nemesis made the audience dance away with them. The Bravo, final round was graced by the presence of Intermediate Vice Rector, Dr Cusrow Dubash; Professor and Head of Biology Department, Zia Ul Islam; Associate Professor, AR Saeed along with many other faculty members of FCCU.

The squadron named ‘Wizards’ emerged as the Victor. Certificates were presented to FMS, Nemesis and runner-ups, while ‘Wizards’ were presented certificates along with souvenirs which are yet to be crowned by Team JBS in a later ceremony.