IAS arranges activities for Freshmen Experience
Day 1 was the registration day which was quite a hit as more than 70 freshmen registered for International Affairs Society. The day started a bit early, students started coming in groups as well as alone when they got free from their classes. We had prepared a few games for the students, we also had small flags as props so people can choose their favorite country and take pictures with them – which went really well. A lot of students were interested in TedX and wanted to know more about it as well as what our society’s purpose was. Getting an encouraging response from the students was a very positive experience as they all were pretty excited to promote diversity and reduce the communication gaps between multiple cultures and genders.
For the second day, the International Affairs Society had arranged three extremely fun activities so that the students can interact with one another without any effort and without feeling awkward and shy.we asked the students who were in S-Octa to play a game with dice and blocks. It turned out to be a fun activity liked by the people as everyone wanted to play with the blocks. It was a good icebreaker for the students as well as for us. Overall, people had a blast and they loved every event, and we did hear people talking to their friends on the phone telling them about the amazing time they were having and they should come and join us as well.