Forman Pharmaceutical Society arranges lecture on Pharmacy Education and Career Opportunities for Pharmacists
The Forman Pharmaceutical Society arranged its first popular talk on 09 October 2017. A lecture on Pharmacy Education and Career Opportunities for Pharmacists was delivered by Dr Sibghat Mansoor.
The deputy secretary of the Pharmacy council of Pakistan and a proud Formanite, Dr Sibghat Mansoor, addressed the students by giving them very practical insights regarding the career opportunities available for Pharmacists in the Pakistan, the development in the pharmaceutical industry and the rising demand for Pharmacists. The students also actively participated in the questioning session and gained a clear understanding of their field. The event was concluded with a souvenir presented as a token of appreciation to Dr Sibghat Mansoor by The Dean of Natural Sciences, Dr Dildar Ahmed and The Head of Pharmacy Department, Dr Abdul Haleem Khan.
The council members then invited their guest speaker and respected faculty members to tea. The successful event was indeed an encouragement for the Pharmacy Department and the Pharmacy students at FCCU.