FIPS holds Closing and Prize Distribution Ceremony 2017 Feb15


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FIPS holds Closing and Prize Distribution Ceremony 2017

The Closing and Prize Distribution Ceremony of the Formanites Intermediate Physics Society (FIPS) was held on Monday 13 February 2017 in Susheela Building Auditorium. The annual report regarding the activities of the society was presented by the President of the Society, Syed Abdul Hadi. The participants and position holders of the Physics Nerd Quiz, 2017 for 1st year and 2nd year received certificates and shields. The student body and the advisors then received shields of appreciation from the Chief Guest. Lastly, the patrons of the society were presented with shields and thanked for their support and guidance. The closing ceremony ended with the resolve that the coming year would be made even more wonderful for the students through useful events and fun activities.