FDS hosts All Pakistan Forman Tetra Lingual Declamation Championship 2016
Forman Christian College recently held All Pakistan Forman Tetra-lingual Declamation Championship 2016 which went on for two days, from 01 to 02 February 2016. Pushto, Punjabi, Urdu and English speakers from all over Pakistan participated in this competition. As their orations demonstrated, all the speakers had come well prepared and each one was anxious to deliver a mesmeric speech to win the coveted laurels.
Mr Gadhaun Aslam , who has earned a name in the debating circuit and has won multitudinous laurels and accolades for his institute , along with Mr Muslym Raza who is also another proficient speaker in the Forman Debating Society(FDS),were seen chairing the declamations with all zest and zeal.
The initial round of the English and Urdu Declamations was held on 01 February 2016 and soon one after the other the speakers debated more vehemently. However by the end of the day the most superlative teams and individual speakers were winnowed from the weaker elocutionist. From amongst the adjudicating panel was the Chief Adjudicator Dr Faisal Kamal Haidery . The adjudication panel of Urdu declamation consisted of Hamza Tarar and Syed Ghulam Mohiyyudin. The English adjudicating panel consisted of Ishtiaq Ahmad and Salman Butt. For the Pushto panel, Mehreen Afridi and Dr Israr Atal were the adjudicators and finally for the Punjabi adjudication panel Mrs Sajida Kirmani, Waqas Chisti and Dr Mohammad Tahir functioned as such.
All the speakers came up with content-laden and exceptionally superlative speeches. The competition became a very nail-biting one and to decide over the three positions from each of the four categories became a herculean task for all the four adjudicating panel.
The team trophy was swept by University of Punjab. The position holders in the English category were Rameesha Khan from University of Punjab who stood 1st, while Asifa Farhat from University of Gujrat stood second. In the Urdu category, Khawaja Hassan Akhtar from King Edward Medical College stood first, whereas it was Qurat-ul-ain from Unversity of Gujrat who stood second. In the Pushto category, Saad Khan from GC University, Lahore who stood first and Ayaz Khan from Government College Quetta stood second, while Zia Khattak from Edwards College, Peshawar stood third. In the Punjabi category, Hamza Mustafa stood first and Syed Fazal Kirmani stood second while Shoaib Aziz stood third.
Finally the team trophy and other accolades were distributed to the speakers by Mrs Alvina Wasim, the Advisor of Formanites Debating Society and the Chief Guests who were FCC’s Rector, Dr James A Tebbe, Dr Cusrow J Dubash and Prof Muhammad Nawaz.
All the competitors, particularly those who became prominent by clinching one trophy or the other used lavishly the rhetorical devices. There was a plethora of similes, metaphors, symbols, paradoxes, etc. In some cases however these usual figures of speech seem to be somewhat over-worked. Literary devices become wide of the mark if they don’t appear natural.