FDS holds All Pakistan Forman Tetra Lingual Declamation Championship: Day 1
The All Pakistan Forman Tetra Lingual Declamation Championship held at Forman Christian College is one of its kind and the largest declamation championship in Pakistan. It started off on 1 February 2016 with a rush of eager participants crowding the registration desk. The opening of the event was commenced by a recitation of the Holy Quran and Bible after which the rules and regulations of the competition were declared. The championship was adjudicated by distinguished names like Moazzam Khan Lodhi, Momin Khan Niazi, Usama Tarrar, Huzaifa Anwar. Renowned debating teams from all across Pakistan including GC University, University of Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Law College, Kinnaird college for women, Edwards College Peshawar, Govt. College Sairab Road Quetta, PAF Sargodha, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Fatimah Jinnah medical College and University of Lahore among others participated in the event with high spirits.
The first two rounds consisted of English and Urdu speeches made in either humorous or serious categories. The speeches discussed topics that ranged from international affairs to Pakistan’s current problems, from terrorism to individual freedom, and political situations. The orators analyzed the current state of world affairs, shed light on its history and debated what its future could hold. They compared the level of progress in East and West, and encouraged the youth to awaken their spirit of patriotism. On the other hand, the humorous speeches covered topic areas like trend of selfies, simplicity in the modern world, whether grades matter or not, misadventures of student and married life. The speakers were successful in amusing the audience with their comedic anecdotes as well as an exchange of witty comebacks between the hosts and participants.
The first initial round ended at 3:00 pm followed by refreshments served to participants, judges and guests. In the second round, the speakers impressed the judges with their profound philosophical, ideal and practical perspectives of their topics. They also debated upon the validity of discrimination among genders and races in the present and past societies, the double standards of our society, and social standards of beauty, academia and success. Their speeches examined the glorious history of the Muslim World, the capabilities of modern youth, and the solutions to their problems. The first day of the event was closed in the tremendous quintessence of declamations, the final rounds to be held the next day.