FCC MUN Society successfully hosts Forman Aspiring Leaders’ Conference
The FCC MUN Society hosted the Forman Aspiring Leaders’ Conference (FALCON), on from 4 to 6 September 2014. After months of planning and preparations and a postponement, this event finally took place as the first event of the 2014-2015 council. Coincidentally, the event dates fell on the same dates as the torrential downpours in Lahore. Hence, the host team faced many obstacles. However, the first day of the event started off reasonably well. The Registration team registered incoming delegates promptly. The Opening Ceremony took place in Sinclair Hall where the delegates were welcomed, and the chairs, the Executive Council, and the host team directors were introduced. After a break, the introductory committee sessions started and delegates were familiarized with their committees and newcomers were introduced to the rules of MUNs. They were told to focus on the study guides which had previously been uploaded and designed by the IT team, and had been formatted by the Publications team. Overall, it was a successful first day, despite the unpredictable weather.
The second day, the heavy rains prevailed, but so did the host team and delegates. The Committee sessions were very productive and delegates had rousing debates throughout the day. After sessions were finished, the DJ night provided a fun outlet for everyone present to relax and have a great time.
On the third day, all of the committees were active in their sessions. Draft resolutions were created promptly and true diplomacy was shown in the sessions. The chairs were quite cooperative especially with the many newcomers present. During the day, a Masters session took place, where the chairs and senior MUNers participated in debate themselves to demonstrate the art of MUN participation.The Master’s Round pitted all the Committee Directors against themselves with a crisis situation to be resolved within an hour. The Mater’s Round ended when, despite continued efforts, the Chairs were unable to reach a consensus amongst themselves and finally the Pakistani Army had to step in and declare Martial Law.
At the end of the sessions, resolutions were passed. Delegates were also shown around the campus and had their photo-shoots done by the ever-diligent Media team. In the evening, the closing ceremony and results announcement took place. The evening was themed around the Oscar Awards and gave everyone an opportunity to dress up. The Best Delegates, Honorable Mentions and the Outstanding Diplomacy awards were handed out.
The committees and host team worked hard to make it a successful and unique event.