EWC holds Certificate Distribution Ceremony
“Earth Watch Club is one of the most active societies of FCC”, said Dr James Tebbe, Rector of FCC, while addressing the Annual Certificates Distribution Ceremony of the Earth Watch Club held on 18 July 2013.
Dr James Tebbe was the chief guest. The ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Bible after which Ms Umarah Mubeen, advisor EWC, presented a bouquet to Dr Tebbe. A video was also screened about the activities of EWC. The Annual Pet Show, ECO Internship and Greenovation were some of the most successful events held by EWC. Ms Umarah Mubeen gave a brief presentation on these activities and said the EWC organized academic and recreational activities.
In the end, Dr Tebbe presented certificates to the volunteers and office bearers of the Earth Watch Club for the year 2012-13. The objectives of the Earth Watch Club are to serve social and natural environment of our planet, and the new team of EWC has started working to achieve these objectives.