EES holds Orientation Session for Students

Ewing English Society held a successful orientation session on Tuesday, the 1st of October. The event lasted a little over an hour, yet involved a detailed introduction for those majoring in English as well as career guidelines and a Q/A session. It was refreshing to see freshmen and sophomores interact so readily with the guests invited for guidance. Professor of English, Dr Waseem Anwar, Assistant Professor, Azeem Alphonce and Lecturer,Haider Shahbaz, three of our esteemed members of the FCCU English faculty imparted their knowledge to the audience and cleared any doubts students had about their major. The Q/A session focused on career advice, writing and whether to pursue Linguistics, Literature, or both. The Head of the Writing Center also made an appearance, highlighting the services the center offered the students and informing them of an upcoming writing competition. In the end, society introduced the audience to the Reader’s Guild and briefed them on what they could expect in the coming year.