Art Junction to hold Directorate Interviews for Funkari ’16
Art Junction Society is holding Directorate Interviews for the management and organization of their upcoming event FUNKARI ’16. Art junction will be recruiting Directors based on experience and skill set. All candidates who will apply for any of the director’s post will first be interviewed and afterwards will be shortlisted for the Directorate position. Anyone who is interested in applying for any available Post please come in for an interview at the mentioned place, time and date. Try to have a fixed idea regarding which Director’s position you want to apply for before going in for an interview, rather than randomly applying for every post that you see has an open spot.
The following positions are available:
- Director Registrations
- Director Host team
- Director Entertainment
- Director Logistics
- Director IT
- Director Public Relations
- Director Security
- Director Ambassadors
- Director Photography
Note: Interviews will be held in Old Close Cafe from 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm on Wednesday 30 March 2016.