AIDS awareness by Red Crescent Youth Group
The Red Crescent Youth Group at FCC in collaboration with Youth Advocacy Network held an AIDS awareness seminar on AIDS Day. This seminar was part of the global campaign run in the month of December on the theme “Getting to zero HIV”. Guests included Dr Akhter Ali Rizvi (Social Development Worker), Mr Fsahat ul Hassan (Chairperson Youth Advocacy Network), Mr Waheed Asfraf (Advisor Youth Advocacy Network), Miss Ashima (Volunteer Actionaid) and Mr Asim (HIV positive person).
The seminar started with a lecture by Dr Akhter Ali Rizvi. He informed students about HIV AIDS and how it could be trasmitted from one person to the other. He also talked about preventive measures and precautions. A panel discussion followed the lecture. The panelists stressed on the critical need for the awareness of AIDS and discouraged harsh behavior towards HIV positive patients. They also answered questions by students. A documentary named “Talash” was played after the discussion. It highlighted the vulnerability of youth to AIDS.
The event concluded with a thank you remark by Mr Fsahat and Shafiq (President Red Crescent Youth Group) along with a balloon flying dedication. The seminar was sponsored by Nescafe.