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ACM FCCU Chapter

ACM – Association for Computing Machinery, founded at the dawn of the computer era, aims at bringing together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s competitions. ACM’s infrastructure supports more than 860 professional and student chapters across the world.

Our goal is to create a community that empowers students to thrive in the world of technology and computer science, regardless of their background or field of study. Our objectives include encouraging student involvement and development through various strategies such as showcasing exceptional work, promoting tech-related events, providing publication opportunities, and offering peer reviews.

We collaborate with top business professionals to host educational sessions and hackathons to stay up-to- date with technological advancements. We prioritize our members’ professional development through networking opportunities, workshops, and soft skill development, while also engaging with the larger community through educational programs. Our dedication to continual learning and adaptability is demonstrated through our feedback-driven methodology and responsiveness to changing student interests and technological trends. We strive to establish a dynamic and inclusive atmosphere for all.