BPS to hold Skygraphy
Benade Physics Society is organizing a photography competition. So grab your cameras and get ready to capture the mesmerizing sky at different hours of the day.
Explore the horizons with your lens, or use a telescope and submit your photos no later than Monday 15 February 2016.
Your submissions can range from photographs of the sunrise and sunset to the moon, meteors & auroras.
Now it’s time to get creative, and start capturing!
Terms and Conditions:
- This competition is open to all students regardless of institute.
- Your photographs must be emailed to: benadephysicssociety@fccollege.edu.pk
- Photos must be submitted in JPEG, RAW or TIFF formats.
- A maximum of three submissions are allowed by each participant.
- The photographs must be between the sizes of 4 MB to 6 MB or 6000 x 4000 pixels; must have an aspect ratio of 16:9; must have a resolution of 300 dp.
- Editing of photographs is allowed i.e. saturation, filter, hue, contrast etc, however manipulation isn’t allowed. Please note that if a participant decides to edit their photos, they will need to have their original photographs saved in case of verification.
- Participants will need to state when and where their photograph was taken.
- The photos submitted must be the participants’ own work and they must hold the individual ownership/copyrights to the photos submitted.
- Participants must not put watermarks or other markings which identify the photographer on the photograph.
- It is important to know that if a submitted photo is found to be plagiarized, the participant will be disqualified immediately.
Note: Your submission will only be accepted if you are registered for this event, so get yourself registered by filling up the form given in the link.