JBS holds Breaking the Entry Test Code 2019 Nov08

JBS holds Breaking t...

Forman Junior Biological Society arranged it’s third edition of one of the biggest academic event of the year, ‘Breaking the Entry Test Code 2019’, on November 6th, 2019. Mr Ali Raza Anser (Ex-Formanite and Career Counsellor) convened the session, as always. He guided...

APS hosts Panel Disc...

On Monday, October 28th, Armacost Psychological Society successfully hosted its very first mental health panel discussion titled We Are All In This Together. We had the honorable presence of four incredibly accomplished guest speakers: Dr. Ali Mahdeeh Hashmi, who’s a psychiatrist,...

EWC & BPS Organizes Seminar on Aerosols and Climate Change Nov05

EWC & BPS Organi...

The world is stepping forth into an age of climate disasters and mass extinctions and the greatest threats that our species have ever faced. In times marred by global climate strikes and millions marching for climate action and climate justice, the issue of climate change, pollution in...

JBS Observes Smog and Dengue Awareness Week 2019 Nov01

JBS Observes Smog an...

Forman Junior Biological Society (JBS) observed ‘Smog and Dengue Awareness Week 2019’. Students were told about the possible hazards caused by these environmental problems and were given precautions on how to tackle these issues. JBS also arranged an awareness walk on 31...

BPS & SCS Organizes Lecture on Energy Storage Devices Oct29

BPS & SCS Organi...

The clean energy transition requires a co-evolution of innovation, investment, and deployment strategies for emerging energy storage technologies. A deeply decarbonized energy system research platform needs materials science advances in battery technology to overcome the...