FES and IS to organize a Symposium on Identity, Religion and Education in 21st Century Perspectives Oct16

FES and IS to organi...

Forman Education Society in collaboration with Forman Islamic Society is presenting a Symposium on the topic: ‘Identity, Religion and Education in 21st Century Perspectives’.  Registration for the symposium closes on 20 October 2017.  Please Click here to register for the...

FIPS screens Documentary on Moon Mysteries Oct16

FIPS screens Documen...

The Formanites Intermediate Physics Society will be holding a Documentary Screening Event on Friday 20 October 2017 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in Sinclair Hall. The topic of the Documentary is ‘Moon Mysteries’ and it will be talking about the importance of moon, which is an...

FPS arranges Photography Lecture by Fahad Raza Oct10

FPS arranges Photogr...

The guest lecture by Fahad Raza on Photography conducted by Forman Photography Society in Sinclair Hall was a huge success with a large audience that listened with rapt attention while our speaker detailed the nuances of his passion. The interactive session allowed for all the interested...

ISSC holds a Teacher Training Session for Intermediate Faculty Oct10

ISSC holds a Teacher...

The Intermediate Social Sciences Club organized a Teacher Training Session for Intermediate Faculty on the account of International Teacher’s Day. The session was conducted by Dan Hernandez on ‘DISC Personalities’ who currently affiliated Every Nation Campus in Lahore. A number of...

EES’s Platform Readers Guild hosts First Movie Screening and Induction Oct10

EES’s Platform...

Ewing English Society’s platform, the Reader’s Guild, hosted its first movie screening and induction on Wednesday 04 October 2017. The induction welcomed all and listed the Guild’s agenda for the new academic session. The Reader’s Guild will soon began it’s...